Cgpa to Percentage Converter

Cgpa to Percentage Converter

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

 A grading system is used to check the performance of the student. In which mainly two grading systems (CGPA system and percentage system) are popular.

 If you are going to apply for higher education, a scholarship, or a job and you are worried about converting your CGPA into a percentage, So don't worry; for this, you can use our CGPA to percentage converter. 

It is completely free, and it gives fast and accurate results in a single click. To use it, you can follow the step-by-step guideline given below.

What is CGPA and full form of CGPA ?

The full form of CGPA is cumulative grade point average. It is a grading system used by educational institutions to check the overall performance of their students. 

CGPA means the average of the grade points obtained by a student in a course. There are different grading scales to measure grade points - 4.0 scale, 5.0 scale and 10.0 scale are commonly used. Different universities of different countries use their own grading scales.

How to convert CGPA to Percentage and Conversion Formula to calculate the percentage from CGPA?

There is no single standard scale globally for converting CGPA to percentage. Educational institutions in different countries use different scales for CGPA.

But generally the following formula is used to calculate CGPA to percentage: 

Percentage = CGPA × conversion factor

Percentage = CGPA × 9.5 

This formula is widely adopted and is used by many institutions in India including the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

If a student has obtained 7.5 CGPA grades, then his/her percentage marks will be calculated as follows.

Percentage = 7.5 × 9.5

= 71.25 %

How to use our online CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Here's a simple guide to convert your CGPA to percentage:

1. Input Your CGPA: Enter your CGPA in the designated box.

2. Select Grading Scale: Choose your university's grading scale from the dropdown menu.

3. Calculate: Click the Calculate button to obtain the percentage conversion.

4. View Result: You will now be able to view your CGPA converted to percentage.

5. Reset Button: Use reset button to clear all data.

Our CGPA to percentage converter is designed to be user-friendly and provides precise and dependable results.

Benefits of using our Percentage calculator for CGPA

Accurate: Our calculator provides precise results using standard formulas.

Efficiency: Our calculator delivers results with a single click.

Easy to Use: Using this calculator is simple and straightforward.

Availibility: It's free and can be accessed anytime, on any device.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator for Different  Universities

Many Universities have different cgpa grading system to percentage conversion. Many universities like cbse, vtu, gtu, anna university use cgpa grading system.

  • Anna University CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Anna University calculates the percentage from CGPA using the formula:

Percentage = cgpa × 10

  • GTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Gujarat Technological University (GTU) uses the following formula to convert CGPA to percentage:

Percentage = (CGPA/SPI/CPI - 0.5) × 10

  • VTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) calculates the percentage from CGPA using the formula:

Final Percentage = 9.5 × Semester CGPA

  • KTU CGPA to Percentage Calculator

Kerala Technological University (KTU) calculates the percentage from CGPA using the formula:

Percentage = CGPA × 9.5